Excerpts from our October prayer letter

Saturday mornings have been the highlights of our week for the past 2 ½ months. We stuffed our car full with a puppet theater, puppets, table, chairs, snacks, drinks, balls, cones, crafts, teaching visuals, the stroller, plus 3 adults and a baby. Then, we drove to a park in a nearby neighborhood and watched God bring the kids. Over 35 children came to our Bible club this summer! Most of them had never heard basic Bible stories – not even about Jesus’ birth or death.  But, if you ask them now, they can tell you that Jesus died for their sins, quote 3 verses, and sing about the happiness that a person has when they know Jesus. None of the children came forward for an invitation, but we think some of them may be saved. For example, after Sarah taught about the crucifixion, little Rui raised his hand. “Sarah, I have a question,” he said. “Am I going to heaven?” “That depends,” she said. “If you don’t believe in Jesus, then . . .”  “But I BELIEVE!” he shouted, cutting her off.  “Then, what does John 3:16 say?” While the kids quoted the verse, she had tears in her eyes and prayed that Rui’s profession of faith would one day bear fruit.  We are sad to see the summer Bible club end, but we are thrilled with what the children have learned, and we pray this is only the beginning of the work God is doing in their lives.

Our Deaf Bible study continues to be a unique challenge.  So far, learning the Bible has been very low on their priority list; they have only met with us twice. But, when we do meet, it turns into an all-day event. For the last study, one man drove 2-hours round-trip to pick up his friend. They met us at our house for lunch. We studied Adam and Eve, and they had so many questions that we didn’t finish until 8:00 PM! By the time he drove his friend back and returned to his own house, he had given his entire day in order for them to study the Bible. We don’t take that sacrifice lightly. At the same time, we would love to meet with them more regularly. Ironically, both these men are unsaved, but are praying for God to save the deaf of Portugal. We say “Amen” to that prayer and ask God to show us how to reach them for Him…

Some recent pictures

Laura enjoying some pool time
Some pictures from kids club. During the month of September, we had 25 different kids attend
Preaching at the “Fundamentals of the Faith” conference
Group picture of the pastors and missionaries present at the conference
Sunset in Lisbon
At the playground with Laura
Happy family
Night race through downtown Lisbon. Nothing like running through narrow streets with thousands of people.